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The Almighty Dollar
Freedom Fighter
Walk On Water

ANY FULE KNO THAT (Gillan/Glover/Lord/Morse/Paice)

If you're in the right city at the right time
What's the last thing going through your mind
Not talking 'bout your
Ask no questions, you know it's a lie
You could have been the victim of a corporate crime
All the signs of a shark attack
You've got rivers of blood
On the streets, don't look back
Nothing personal, just another snack
'N Harley said you're better off sticking to your guns
Any fule kno that

Oh Moronica Queen of the Biz
And her friend Flash harry thinks he knows what it is
Tin Pan Alley Fat Head Larry don't know shit
Just trying to keep her happy
There's no laughing in heaven
Not the one, not the seven
And you'll never get to heaven in her row boat
Pea brain pisser, dog breath kisser
'N Harley said you're better off sticking to your guns
Any fule kno that

Won't it be nice
When everything falls into place

Salad days go a-tickling by, have a high time
Burn money in the meantime, they bleed you dry
Those suckers are smaller than life
Oh Moronica Queen of the Biz
And her friend Flash harry thinks he knows what it is
Tin Pan Alley Fat Head Larry don't know shit
I'm better off sticking to my guns
Any fule kno that

Won't it be nice
When everything falls into place

Danny went down to the river one day
Didn't come back, that's the last, they say
We ever saw of him, that's no lie
Spitting in your eye, have no fear
You don't want the truth
Stick your finger in your ear
Any fule kno that.

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